Sermons from January 2019

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Hearing God’s Word with Understanding

Title: “Hearing God’s Word with Understanding Text: Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10 The word of God is like a family album of the people of God. There are good snapshots and bad snapshots.  In today’s passage, the people of Israel stood on the threshold of a new beginning. They had been in exile.  They returned home and rebuilt […]

Why Would Jesus Turn Water into Wine as His First Miracle?

Miracle at the wedding of Cana

Why would Jesus turn water into wine as his first miracle?  This seems like a curious miracle. Jesus could have done anything and as his first miracle you would think he would want to do something spectacular. Turning water into wine seems almost a miracle on the level of a parlor trick. So why this miracle […]

The Baptism of Jesus Christ

baptism of the lord first presbyterian church walnut ridge ar

This sermon is based on Luke’s account of the baptism of Jesus, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. Why was Jesus baptized? Have you ever thought about that? On the surface, it seems completely unnecessary.  John the Baptist was calling people to repent of their sins and he was offering them a baptism of repentance, but Jesus has […]

The Gift of Contagious Joy

Angel - Sermon for a christmas candlelight

The joy of new life is contagious. When Jesus was born the angels rejoiced by singing to shepherds in a field. There’s one other time in scripture that talks about the heavens rejoicing.  That one time involves you. Listen to find out how and when the heavens rejoice over you. The text in the video […]