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Joint Tenebrae Service of the Presbyterian Churches of Eastern Arkansas

Welcome to this Tenebrae Service jointly officiated by the pastors of: Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church in Forrest City Wynne Presbyterian Church in Wynne First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro First Presbyterian Church of Walnut Ridge The word ‘Tenebrae’ is a latin word for darkness. During the service seven readings are shared and after each a candle […]

Oops. God, That’s Not What I Meant

On Palm Sunday, the crowds shouted, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” This cry of praise also meant, “Save now!” or “Save please!” Jesus offered salvation but not in a way they ever expected. They wanted their situation changed. Jesus instead offered them transformation. That’s not unusual. When we cry out “Save us Jesus”, salvation comes, but along with […]

The Golden Repair

When something is precious to you, you don’t just discard it when it is broken. In fact, if an item is precious to you, you may go to great expense to repair it. God is that way with us. God sees us in our brokenness and is willing to make a deep personal sacrifice to […]

The Healing Truth

Physical trauma can create deep inner wounds and turmoil.. Even after the body is healed, the mind and emotion may need more time. In today’s bible story we encounter a woman who endured twelve years of suffering. She lost all that she had trying to get well and was worse, not better. Her body was […]

Brokenness – Our Common Humanity

Last week we heard the story of a leper being healed by Jesus. Today we hear the story of someone on the complete opposite extreme of life, a roman Centurion pleading with Jesus to heal his servant. Though the worlds apart on the surface, their stories are shockingly similar. Why? Because at the end of […]

Ash Wednesday Joint Worship Service

This Ash Wednesday Worship was jointly produced by: Wynne Presbyterian Church, Wynne Arkansas First Presbyterian Church, Walnut Ridge, Arkansas First Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Forrest City, Arkansas

Judge and Deliver – God’s got this, just fine

News flash – There is a judge and deliverer…and it’s not us. You will learn in today’s sermon, the last in our four part series, that God is not only holding your life, he is holding everyone else’s. The good news is that while we are called to love them, it’s not our job or […]

God is Holding Your Life, part 3, Praying with Confident Hope

Life is full of seemingly contradictory and confusing moments. Why does God sometimes seem to choose to heal one person and ignore another when both are faithful people, fervently prayed for. When we confront mysteries like this, what are we to do? Psalm 147 offers us a glimpse into the nature of that in part […]