Paul urged his young protege Timothy to pray, intercede, and give thanks for Kings and all those in authority. He asked him to do so that the community could live “peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness.”

When is the last time you felt like your community was experiencing a peaceful and quiet life? If it’s been a while, then I ask you this – When is the last time you fervently prayed for your leaders? Again if it’s been a while, perhaps now is the time.

Keep in mind that Paul was writing at a time when Kings and those in authority were adversarial at least with the emerging community of believers and in some cases, out-and-out predatorial. Yet, Paul urged Timothy to not just prayer for them, but even give thanks.

In this sermon, you are going to learn specific ways we ought to be praying for our leaders, even those we do not like or agree with, if we want our community to experience peace and quiet.