“Listen!”. said Jesus. I mean really listen. Have you ever been speaking to someone and you could tell they didn’t hear a word you said. In fact, it was obvious they weren’t listening, but instead just waiting for you to pause so they could offer there brilliant objection. (Well they think it’s brilliant.) This happened to Jesus all the time.

Thousands of people heard Jesus speak, but how many were actually listening. More importantly, are we? Today’s sermon delves into how we fail to hear, and better yet, how we need to listen if we want to live more fruitful lives.

Jesus saw how people having a full spectrum of response to him. Some, like the Pharisees, were angered by his words. These people conspired to kill him. On the opposite end were people who were amazed by what he said. They heard, listened AND they did what he taught. However, many people were in-between.

In this sermon, we’ll break down different responses people had to Jesus, so you can reflect on your own response. Better yet, we’re going to talk about the alternatives.

Let’s move from passive listening to active listening, from shallow listening to deep listening, and from distracted listening to focused listening to Jesus.

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First Presbyterian Church Walnut Ridge

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