
161170 of 243 items

In God Alone

How do you react when life gets tough? In Psalm 62, David offer us an example of what it looks like to live faithfully in the face of adversity. He also offers an instructive word of what to do and warnings of what not to do, or more accurately, what not to trust. This sermon […]

God is Holding Your Life – Part 1, Precious in His Hand

Your life may not feel precious or significant at times. But in God’s hands it takes on immense value because he is a master of using a person just as they are to complete a much bigger picture. Rev. John Arnold shares an analogy of the gospel being like a great quilt. The individual pieces, […]

The Summons, by Revs. John and Susan Arnold

God is an amazing God who cannot be confined to our nice neat boxes. Revs. John and Susan Arnold dive into this truth in today’s joint service of First Presbyterian Church of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, and Wynne Presbyterian of Wynne Arkansas. Specifically, we are exploring the story of the call of Samuel. I f you […]

Fishing for God’s Voice

Sometimes God’s voice splashes undeniably into our awareness. Our scripture passages for today are two examples. In Psalm 29, Gods’ voice is described as powerfully crashing into the world. In the story of Jesus’s baptism as recounted in the Gospel of Mark, the heavens tear open and God’s voice declares, “This is my beloved son, […]

Your Blessings in Jesus

The gifts you receive in Jesus are many and layered. You learn in this sermon about the gifts of being chosen by God, redeemed, and forgiven. These gifts all given through Jesus Christ are the roots of peace, love, joy, and hope. Through them you have the opportunity and an ability to bring the light […]

Finding a Fuller Relationship with God

Christians believe in a “triune” God, meaning a God his nature we experience in three different unique ways: The Lord God creator of the heavens and the earth and covenant maker; Jesus Christ, the son of God, our redeemer and salvation; and Holy Spirit, our comforter, guided and teacher of the truth. Each different expression […]

What Did Mary Know?

Perplexed, pondering, and questioning. This is Mary, mother of Jesus, when she discovers that she will bear the son of God. Mary is typically presented as an exemplary figure of faith and obedience. Ultimately, she is, but she doesn’t start that way. In today’s sermon you’ll discover how Mary went from frightened and confused to […]

Punching Holes in the Darkness

Are you in need of a joy infusion? Then you need to watch this worship video. The whole service revolves around the theme of joy. Rev. John Arnold challenges us to “punch holes in the darkness”, meaning, as believers in Jesus Christ choosing to exhibit joy in the face of darkness. Pleases share this video […]