This class is meeting in-person during the Sunday school hour at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings beginning April 18th, 2021.
The book of Ecclesiastes powerfully conveys how meaningless life can be without God. The world promises happiness if you just find enough accomplishment, pleasure, or wisdom. The author of Ecclesiastes gains all of these things and yet found life lacking. The world’s promise is hallow.
God’s promises though are sure and lead to a life abundant. Come join us as we seek to understand the secrets of living a more meaningful and joyful life revealed in the book of Ecclesiastes and available in the everyday activities of life.
Handouts related to the class:
Chapter 1 Notes and study suggestions for chapter 2
Chapter 2 Notes
Related Resources:
The Practical Disciple blog post: 10 Things to Write in Your Bible Podcast, Podcast Episode #23.