Do you ever feel inadequate to what God has placed before you?  You’re not alone. In fact, most biblical figures of faith, had great doubts when called by God. They even had good excuses.  

Take for example, Jeremiah. He said, “I am just a youth” and complained that he didn’t know what to say. His concerns were very valid given his calling upon to confront an entire nation about their sins and the judgment they would face. However, God told Jeremiah, “Don’t say I am just a youth.” For God would place words in his mouth and defend Jeremiah from his adversaries. 

In today’s sermon, we’ll examine why “I am only…” statements don’t matter. We’ll also explore how God fills gaps between who we are and the task we are called to. We’ll do so by studying together Jeremiah’s call and the whole armor of God as presented in the book of Ephesians.