God is an amazing God who cannot be confined to our nice neat boxes. Revs. John and Susan Arnold dive into this truth in today’s joint service of First Presbyterian Church of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, and Wynne Presbyterian of Wynne Arkansas. Specifically, we are exploring the story of the call of Samuel. I

f you aren’t familiar with Samuel, he was a boy who grew up in the temple serving under the High Priest, Eli. Eli’s biological son’s were priests, and though for all practical purpose Eli son’s and Samuel had the same dad, they could not have been different. Eli’s sons, Phineas and Hophni, took advantage of their position as priests. They took the best portions of offerings intended for God, they used and abused women who served in the temple. The scriptures tells us they were scoundrels. Both God and Eli knew it.

On the other hand Samuel, didn’t know God but ministered to the Lord nevertheless, growing “stature and favor; before God and people. God did something unprecedented. Phineas and Hophny were passed over and punished though they were Priest and God raised up in their place Samuel.

Doing or being unprecedented wasn’t new for God. Rev. Susan Arnold shares and easy to understand illustration of how God was very different from the gods people believed in around the jewish people back in that time. She shows how God completely redefined what it meant to be a God as THE God. Rev. John wraps up by telling us how he didn’t stop there. He defied boundaries again in Jesus Christ so that all who believe might be a part of his great family. Please like, share and comment if this sermon is a blessing to you.

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