Sometimes God’s voice splashes undeniably into our awareness. Our scripture passages for today are two examples. In Psalm 29, Gods’ voice is described as powerfully crashing into the world. In the story of Jesus’s baptism as recounted in the Gospel of Mark, the heavens tear open and God’s voice declares, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.”

More often than not though, God’s voice is subtle and not so obvious. We have to be patient. In today’s sermon, Rev. Arnold compares the experience of listening for God’s voice to fishing. We know beneath the surface of water there is a whole new world. At times a fish breaks the surface and we see clearly, other times we just feel a tug on the line.

Two ‘places’ in the church we can powerfully encounter God are at the baptismal fount and the communion table. Literally, we come to baptism and the table and we are given visible signs of the invisible grace of God.

Metaphorically, when every we draw near to God in repentance we are coming to the fount. When we draw near to God recognizing our need for forgiveness and the fulfillment of that in Jesus Christ, we are drawing near to God at the table. What a blessing that we have ways we can seek God’s voice.

Thank you for worshiping with us.

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