
201210 of 243 items

Understanding the Heart of Discipleship

Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus Christ? How can you tell?  Jesus Christ warned his disciples that his death was eminent. They didn’t want to hear it. He spoke candidly and sought to address his concern that once he died they may abandon his teaching and seek another Rabbi’s teaching. In Jesus’s […]

Benefits and Critical Keys to Being an Active Member of a Church.

Church members joining hands

Do you chose not to join a church? Or, do you ever question the value of being one? If you answered yes to either one of those questions, then this sermon is for you. And for those of you who currently have a church family, this is a good opportunity to reexamine your participation within […]

Three Ways God Reveals Himself

Do you sometimes feel like God is hiding from you? Perhaps, he is. Perhaps you’re not ready to understand. In today’s lesson about two disciples encountering Jesus after his resurrection, we get a glimpse into how God reveals himself. It’ a comforting glimpse because we discover that God takes his time with people. God doesn’t […]

Easter Worship Service, Sermon: “Surprised by Life.”

The most unlikely place to find life ever would be in a graveyard, but that’s precisely where God decided to surprise us with life. Today we explore the resurrection. Rev. John Arnold shares a poignant moment of walking in grief with a family. The portrait he paints sheds light on the emotional state of Mary […]

Maundy Thursday Worship

This service was jointly lead by four church of the Presbytery of Arkansas. Graham Memorial Presbyterian, Forrest City Wynne Presbyterian Church FPC, Jonesboro FPC, Walnut Ridge This is a traditional Tenebrae Service. Tenebrae is a term meaning “darkness.” In the service, prayers, readings, and music are combined to create a meditative reflection on the Christ’s […]

Palm Sunday Worship, “Let the Grief Begin”

The story of Palm Sunday is an explosion of activity. People waving palms, shouting out, running ahead of Jesus and throwing down their cloaks for him. In fact, the passage say, that the whole city was in turmoil. The word turmoil more literally states that the whole world was shaken. In fact, it’s the same […]

What does ‘Waiting on the Lord’ mean? [Full Worship Service]

Waiting can be an exasperating experience; especially, if you feel like God is absent. Today’s sermon explores what waiting on the Lord means. Rev. Arnold lifts up several significant truths related to waiting on the Lord that can redefine your experience of waiting. For example, even the idea of ‘waiting’ is a misnomer. God is […]

A God Who Works Outside of Our Boxes [Full Worship Service]

SERMON TIME STAMPS:[10:54 ] Old Testament: 1 Sam. 16:1-13 [13:37] New Testament Reading: John 9:1-41[19:00] Sermon: A God Who Works Outside of Our Boxes Is it time to get out of your box? Your perception of God may be trapped in a box. God’s ways our not our ways. For example, in the Old Testament […]