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Treasure Hunters for God

A couple of parables about the kingdom of God speak of searching with everything you have to possess an object of great value. In today’s sermon, we’ll consider our own investment and striving to find God’s blessings.

God’s Unexpected and Undeserved Presence

In the Old Testament, a young man named Jacob, encountered God in a mysterious way. Jacob was conniving. He was self-focused. He was fleeing the wrath of his brother Esau when God came to him and heaped upon him amazing promises. Jacob isn’t a likely suspect upon which you would anticipate God heaping blessing of […]

Listening Deeply to the Word

“Listen!”. said Jesus. I mean really listen. Have you ever been speaking to someone and you could tell they didn’t hear a word you said. In fact, it was obvious they weren’t listening, but instead just waiting for you to pause so they could offer there brilliant objection. (Well they think it’s brilliant.) This happened […]

The Know Better Syndrome, Confronting our Inner Enemy

The Apostle Paul in a letter to the Romans raises a question that plagues everyone at one point or another. “Why do I do that which I do not want to do?” In fact, Paul wonders why he goes so far as to do the very thing he hates. Can you relate? Today’s sermon and […]

Living Water for Thirsty Souls

Are you running on empty dry? Do you need refreshment of your soul? Jesus offers living water for those who are thirsty. When he told people this the statement was much more than a meaningful metaphor. In fact, it was so revolutionary that some people want him arrested and others believed he was the messiah. […]

Bringing God Your Best to Worship, Three Essentials

Do you ever feel like you are just going through the motions in worship? What if you knew exactly what God expected for when you worshipped? Would that help? You don’t have to wonder. In today’s sermon, Rev. John Arnold dives into a road map of God’s expectations for worship laid out in Psalm 100. […]

The Great Omission and the Failure of Field of Dreams Evangelism

Matthew 28:16-20 is classically referred to as “The Great Commission”. Rev. Arnold explores how we as churches and individuals have perhaps been completely missing the mark in following Jesus call. He also looks at how the covid pandemic perhaps has been a wake up call and therefore blessing to many churches.

Finding a Mountaintop View when You’re Stuck in a Valley

The Bible is full of “mountaintop experiences.” In fact, did you know that’s where the expression comes from? Not all of those experiences actually happen on mountains though. One of the most formative experiences of the people of God was the Day of Pentecost. Pentecost was an old celebration that had been passed down and […]