Called to be Children of the King
Praying for our Leaders
Paul urged his young protege Timothy to pray, intercede, and give thanks for Kings and all those in authority. He asked him to do so that the community could live “peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness.” When is the last time you felt like your community was experiencing a peaceful and quiet life? […]
Paying Forgiveness Forward
The Apostle Peter asked Jesus, “How many times should we forgive someone? As many as seven?” I don’t know how that sounds to you, but seven is sounds at a least like and adequate try, if not a lot, but Jesus’s response was much larger. Try seventy-seven or some translations render the text as seventy […]
God’s Formula for Restoring Broken Relationships
When Jesus gets asked by the disciples a question about who is the greatest, his answer probably wasn’t what they expected. He didn’t tell them a series of great works they should strive for. Instead, Jesus gives a long series of short instructions around creating and maintaining community. In today’s passage from the Gospel of […]
Overcome Evil with Good
When injustice strikes and you are reeling with pain, hurt, and indignation, you can become overwhelmed. We all experience being overwhelmed differently. You may be paralyzed with fear, erupt in anger or internalize the hurt until you are crushed with resentment. In today’s sermons you’ll encounter two stories of amazing responses to evil. We’ll also […]
Your God-Given Assignment for a Happy Life
Standing Steadfast when Feeling Overwhelmed
1st Peter contains valuable lessons for staying steadfast in challenging times. The early church community was persecuted heavily and Peter advise them how to stand strong in their faith during this challenging period. The stressors for the early church were in some ways not unlike ours. 1) They were socially distanced – Becoming a believer […]
Three Ways to Find God in Difficult Times
We’ll be looking at two texts in today’s sermon. The first is the story of Elijah hearing the still small voice of God and the second is Psalm 99. From these two passages we’ll discover three different points of contact that can evoke a sense of God’s presence. Specifically, we’ll be exploring how certain, places, […]