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Keeping Your Balance while Waiting on God

Keeping your balance while waiting on God , a sermon about faith on Psalm 85.

Advent is a peculiar time of waiting between promises and their fulfillment. Waiting can be tough. For example, right now, we are waiting (and not so patiently) for a vaccine to defeat the coronavirus. Though we are confident one is coming, and it even seems near; nevertheless, waiting can be hard. We must deal with […]

The Fear and Comfort of Jesus’ Second Coming

Do the “end-times” scare or confuse you? You’re not alone. In today’s sermon, we’re digging into why Jesus’ return is both a cause of concern and of comfort. This topic, the second coming of Jesus, is a critical yet often overlook doctrine of the christian faith. In today’s sermon, we’ll explore how the combination of […]

Remembering the Least of These

Remembering the least of these – those who are hungry, thirsty, in need of clothing or companionship – does not have to be complicated. It’s also the most fundamental expression of loving our neighbor as ourselves. Today’s sermon is a simple reminder that we too are the least of these. When Jesus calls us to […]

Parable of the Talents, Being Faithful with God’s Gifts

A story by Jesus commonly referred to as “The Parable of the Talents”, teaches us much about being faithful. It is one of three parables Jesus used to instruct the disciples about how they are to lead their lives knowing that he will come again. Specifically, we learn in this parable how each of us […]

Drifting Forward when You Feel Stuck

Sometimes in life winds change rapidly. One moment everything is smooth sailing and then BAM! You are blown off course or find yourself dead in the water. You find yourself adrift. Feeling hopeless. Struggling, but going nowhere. But, what if drifting is just what you need? What if drifting IS the way forward? In today’s […]

Standing Steadfast in Tumultuous Times

NOTE: PS: In the latter part of this service after the sermon there are a couple of places where the video goes black and the audio continues on. My apologies for this issue which we could not correct. Now about the sermon… We live in tumultuous times, times when many people are burden and many […]

The Blessing of Hazardous Duty

The call to a faithful life can feel like risky business. But, learn in today’s sermon how God faithfully is there for us when we step forward in faith.

Convictable Faith

If you were accused of being a Christian, is there enough evidence to convict you? Rev. John Arnold raises this question to explore the importance of having an exemplary faith. The faith of the Thessalonians was exemplary and not just to those closest to them. When the apostle Paul wrote the believers in Thessalonica, not […]

The Idiot’s Guide to Church Apparel

Jesus told a parable about a king who invited people to come to his son’s wedding banquet. Many people rejected the invitation. So he cast the invitation wider. Then at the banquet a curious thing happen. A man was there without wedding garments. The king was angry and cast him out of the banquet. For […]