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Three Ways God may be Calling You

In today’s sermon we are looking at a story about a man who had an awe-inspiring vision of God and then surrender to serve the Lord. When we draw near to the living God, the encounter can be life-altering,’ particularly if we humble ourselves and listen with the intention of being obedient. You may encounter […]

Three Stages of Restoration – New Life for Dry Bones

Everyone seems weary from a year of Pandemic life. We’ve all been waiting and wondering how long it will take to get back to normal. And even when we say this, we. know normal won’t be what it once was. In today’s sermon we will look at what it takes to regain new life after […]

Jesus Prayers for You, a sermon by Rev. John Arnold

On the night of Jesus’ arrest, just after he and the disciples had their last meal together, he prayed. He knew he was about to be arrested. He knew he would die. The disciples still weren’t understanding. So, Jesus was alone in carrying that burden. He could only turn to his heavenly Father. What would […]

12 Ways to Pump Up Your Prayers

So what generates powerful prayer? You pray about some things and God seems super responsive and other prayers appear ignored? There are no easy answers, you can a vibrant pray life if you understand factors or patterns that seem to amplify your prayers. In today’s sermon Rev. John Arnold covers twelve dynamics of prayer that […]

Stop Settling for Crackers and Cheese

Jesus shared a whole series of “I am” statements about himself. One of the most memorable is “I am the good shepherd.” The good shepherd does many things for his sheep. He protects them with his life. He provides for them. He knows them well and they know him. Jesus also said that as the […]

Have You Anything to Eat

Jesus presented himself as fully alive. He appeared before them. He ate before them. That gave them proof he was truly alive. There is a certain irony to the bread of life asking if they have anything to eat. What are we as the body of Christ, bringing to the table? Are we bringing only […]

A God Who Shamelessly Gives

In today’s sermons, Rev. John Arnold takes a parable that is commonly considered a parable about being persistent in prayer and turns it upside down. He explains how this parable isn’t at all about persistence, but rather instead God’s goodness.

Informational vs. Formational Belief

What does believing mean to you? Is belief merely a matter of intellectual acceptance of an idea? Or, is belief for you life-altering? We’ll be looking at the spectrum of belief between these two ends in this sermon.