Sermons from February 2019

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What does it mean to turn the other cheek?

what does it mean to turn the other cheek?

Title: What does it mean to turn the other cheek? Luke: 6:27-29 Jesus teaches we are to love our enemies and that if someone strikes us on the cheek we are to offer the other one.  What does this mean?  Does Jesus expect us to be doormats?  Is this a call to total pacifism?  If […]

From Humility to a Life of Service

Humility to service

Sermon: From Humility to a Life Service Text: Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke 5:1-11 Jonathon Aitken a former member of Parliament in the United Kingdom was convicted of perjury and lost everything. He was on track to potentially be the Prime Minister, but it all came unravelled when he lied in court. As a result, he lost […]

Sermon: How Can We Thrive in Adversity?

thriving in adversity

Some people spiritually just seem to have it together. They have stay calm in the midst of crisis. When they pray there is an intimacy to their relationship with God that is readily present. They often times have a servant heart and are rich in relationships. Are people like this special? Or, is their maturity […]

Three Ways You May Be Neglecting Your Spiritual Gifts

This past Sunday we had technical difficulties and as a result we did not a get a video or audio recording of the service. However, here is a condensed transcript of this sermon  on how you may be neglecting your spiritual gifts, based on  1 Corinthians 12:1-11. 12 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I […]