This video contains news highlights from the week of March 22 – 28, 2020.
Highlights covers are:
- Full online worship services are now available on our youtube channel as well as many past sermons. However, all of these can be accessed from our webpage as well at our sermon archive page.
- Celebrating the Sacrament of Communion virtually has been approved during times of crisis by the PC(USA). FPC is exploring the possibility of offering this option.
- FPC and Wynne Presbyterian Church are participating together in a study of the Sermon on the Mount lead by Rev. Dr. Susan Arnold. The study occurs on Tuesday nights at 6 p.m. and is hosted on zoom. Zoom is an online meeting service similar to skype. To join the study click here to request the link. (We have people request the link to prevent random people from maliciously dropping into the meeting to disrupt it. This is a problem zoom is having. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
- The Building and Grounds Committee has indefinitely delay the workday planned to make improvements to the church’s landscaping. The Session is considering the possibility of hiring someone to do the work since we are unable to meet.
- New hymnals have been ordered and will hopefully arrive by the time we return to in-person worship. The new hymnal is the Glory to God Hymnal.
- Yoga at First is moving online. A few recorded classes will be posted on the church website soon. Rev. John will periodically offer live classes as. When he dose details will be posted on the church’s Facebook page.