Sunday, October 7 we will celebrate World Communion Sunday with Rev. Bill Branch officiating the sacrament of communion.  We will also be collecting a special offering for the Peace & Global Witness Offering of the PC(USA).

Gifts given to this special offering will be used to address systems of injustice and bring peace into people’s lives.

One unique aspect of this special offering is that the monies are divided to help meet needs both locally and globally. 25% of this offering will be stayed and contributed to a local organization. We will be announcing which organization soon.

Here are some ways you gift can help:

  • $30, can provide school supplies for displaced students
  • $50 can provide a refugee family with a food basket full of essential supplies.
  • $200 can provide bunk beds for children in need

Please prayerfully consider contributing.

Three ways you can give

Through our church – Just place your gift in the special offering envelopes enclosed in the bulletin on Oct. 7th.  If you won’t be in worship that Sunday, but would like to give you can pick-up an envelope from the table in the rear of the sanctuary and include it in the offering plate any Sunday.

Donate online – To give using your credit card goto:

Text – You can give $10 by texting PEACE to 20222