Join us for a Maundy Thursday Communion Worship Service on March 28th at 6:00 p.m.
About the service…
The word Maundy comes from the latin word “mandatum” and is a reference to Jesus words to the disciples during the last supper that he was giving them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them.
Jesus then demonstrated this love by washing the disciples feet, a task commonly only done by the lowest of servants.
During our worship service we combine elements of both a traditional Maundy Thursday service and a Good Friday service. Specifically, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion as we recall Jesus’ last supper with the disciples.
Communion will be served by “intinction”. For intinction the bread and cup are not distributed, instead worshippers come forward and tear bread from a common loaf and then dip the bread in a common cup.
Who can participate in communion?
We believe that the communion table is not our table or a table of our denomination, but the Lord’s table. All who are baptized members of his family regardless of denominational affiliation are welcome to participate.
Good Friday Tenebrae
After communion we observe a tradition called ‘Tenebrae’. Tenebrae is a Latin word for darkness. For this portion of the service we read a series of readings that rehearse Jesus last moments on the cross. After each reading, a candle is extinguished and the lights are dimmed slightly. This continues until all of the candles and the lights are complete extinguished. A moment of quiet reflection is held in the dark to remind us of Christ’s period in the tomb. This is a favorite and moving experience of many of our members.