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Church Supper Lesson on Adopting a Spiritual Discipline for Lent

by fpcadmin

  March 5, we had a wonderful time at church supper.  Rev. John Arnold shared how a Lenten discipline of purging forty bags in forty days positively impacted his life and transformed his understanding of Lent.  He also offered three suggestions for Lenten disciplines: Reading Top 40 Bible Stories in 40 Days, Sending A Care […]

Ash Wednesday and Lent Explained

by fpcadmin

What is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. First Presbyterian Church and many other churches hold a special service on Ash Wednesday. The service focuses on reminding us of our sinful nature and calling us to deeper reflection and repentance. Ashes, an ancient symbol of grief for sins, are placed on […]

Bible Study: The Four Gospels and How They Were Written

by fpcadmin
Bible study books

Gospel reading resources for this lesson: 40 Day Gospel Reading Schedule with Tips Four Gospels Overview Cheat Sheets The four gospels contain the heart of what we know about Jesus. Each one gives unique perspective. Understanding some basic difference will help you read and understand the gospels better. In this video from our September Potluck […]

PW Gathering, Wonderful Success.

by fpcadmin
Presbyterian Women at the Fall Gathering

September 15th, we had a wonderful meeting of presbyterian women for the Fall gathering. Many thanks to everyone who made the day a success. Whether you provided part of the meal, managed parking, played the organ, set up, cleaned up, registered people, or dealt with technical issues, you were invaluable to the success of the […]

Prayer Lesson: Improving Your Relationship with God Through Praise

by fpcadmin

Click Here to Download a Praise Formula Cheat sheet Potluck Supper Lesson shared August 1, 2018 This video includes step-by-step instructions on how to improve your relationships with God by adding more praise to your prayer life. In this lesson, I share a simple three-fold prayer for praising God based on Psalm 18. I used […]