Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall we are working our way through the Gospel of Mark. We’ll be studying verse by verse using inductive bible study techniques. If you aren’t familiar with inductive bibles study, it is a systematic approach of first making observations, working toward understanding, and then discerning how to apply the Bible to your life. Everyone who participates in this class should have a better tool box for reading and understanding the Bible on their own by the time we complete the gospel.
Why Mark?
Mark is the shortest and earliest published gospel. Scholars suspect that Matthew and Luke had access to the gospel of Mark and then expanded with their own unique material. Consequently, a thorough understanding of the gospel of Mark gives you a great foundation for rapidly understanding the other gospels.
Not sure if you should come?
Sometimes people are hesitant to come to a bible study because they are concerned they don’t know enough. That is not a problem. Everyone is welcome in this class and because of the inductive method of study we are using, the class should meet you wherever you are.
We hope to see you there.
Contact Rev. John Arnold,, if you have any questions.