Posts from 2019

15 of 6 items

Pentecost and Dose of the Ghost Introduction

by fpcadmin

Would you like to understand and experience the Holy Spirit better? Rev. John Arnold has created a simple nine-day prayer called, “A Dose of the Ghost” to help you do just that. Download A Dose of the Ghost What is A Dose of the Ghost? It’s a novena which is a nine-day prayer commitment focused […]

Three Tips on How to Pray for Our Nation and Leaders

by fpcadmin

About the video… May 2nd was the National Day of Prayer and we hosted a wonderful ecumenical gathering to prayer for our nation.  The night before I led a lesson on the topic of praying for our leaders and nation. We then prayed together for our country.  The lesson portion of that evening program is […]

Church Supper Lesson on Adopting a Spiritual Discipline for Lent

by fpcadmin

  March 5, we had a wonderful time at church supper.  Rev. John Arnold shared how a Lenten discipline of purging forty bags in forty days positively impacted his life and transformed his understanding of Lent.  He also offered three suggestions for Lenten disciplines: Reading Top 40 Bible Stories in 40 Days, Sending A Care […]

Ash Wednesday and Lent Explained

by fpcadmin

What is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. First Presbyterian Church and many other churches hold a special service on Ash Wednesday. The service focuses on reminding us of our sinful nature and calling us to deeper reflection and repentance. Ashes, an ancient symbol of grief for sins, are placed on […]

Two Bible Study Reading Tips to Sharpen Focus and Retention

by fpcadmin
Bible Study, the Gospel of Mark

Do you struggle to stay focused and retain what you read? If so, these two simple bible study tips from our Sunday School class on the Gospel of Mark can help you. Tip #1: Read with a pencil in hand.  That may sound simplistic, but two things happen when you grab a pencil while reading. […]